Consider ending your day with a Joy
Check-up. Following is a check list that can help you remember some of
the foundations of Joy, a major goal for most of us.
Preface each statement with "Today did I...?"
worthy and deserving of joy? ...practice
feeling unconditional self-acceptance? ...go
often to the center of my being and tap into the love and joy that are
my true essence? ...avoid
value judging. (Judgment blocks love, the source of joy.) ...forgive
myself and others?
gratitude - to the Universe and/or individuals?
(A grateful heart is a joyful heart.) ...lovingly
serve others? (Service is an expresssway to joy.) ...remember
to focus only on what I want, not what I don't want?
(What we focus on expands.) ...choose
joyful or loving feelings instead of limiting or negative feelings?
(Our feelings create.) ...use
uplifting self-talk to keep my thoughts in alignment with love, peace and
(Self put-downs block joy.) ...remember
that each of us is either coming from love or fear; either extending
love or asking for love? ...ask
for assistance from Source to feel peace and joy around a situation that
had me down" (Ask and you will receive.) ...look
for the Divinity/Light/Love in the people I found most challenging? ...change
my perception of a troubling situation by considering its higher purpose,
thus, the potential for joy in it? ...use
my sense of humor to see things in a light-hearted way? ...remember
that "joy is an inside job" and not determined by outer